UK Radio Astronomy Association talk with Paul Hearn
Further to the January 2022 RadCom article entitled “A Collaboration of Enthusiasts”, we recently welcomed club member Paul Hearn who gave us an introduction to Radio Astronomy and the UK…
Further to the January 2022 RadCom article entitled “A Collaboration of Enthusiasts”, we recently welcomed club member Paul Hearn who gave us an introduction to Radio Astronomy and the UK…
Following on from his November 2021 RADCOM article “Amateur radio and the arrival of the transistor” we recently welcomed Duncan James, M0OTG as our guest presenter. Duncan gave an excellent…
Thought I’d put up a note that ALL this weekend is the CQ World-Wide WPX SSB contest. This is one of the very busiest weekends on HF for the entire…
Recently RADARC welcomed Dave Porter, G4OYX, as our guest presenter for an evening talk. Dave is a well known author from, among others, VMARS’ magazine Signal, and joins us for…
In January, we were delighted to welcome the one and only Dr. Bob Heil K9EID for a talk entitled “The Science of Audio”. Bob really needed no introduction. This talk…
Recently RADARC was privileged to be given a talk by Mike Gloistein GM0HCQ of the British Antarctic Survey about his experiences past and present with said survey, on board the…
We are stunned to hear of the sudden loss of Bill G4WJS: “Sad news and so suddenly for him to be taken from us. I remember when Bill moved to…
I am sad to say that once again I have to announce the cancellation of the 2021 McMichael Rally.There are many factors involved, but the main one is the delay…
The topic of Crystal Sets came up in a club meeting last night, and Chris Smith G0JTn kindly shared this interesting article he wrote. Chris has built many beautiful sets.…
Andrew M5ARC became SK on the 17th March 2021 following his illness over the past 12 months. Andrew and Alice had released a lot of his radio equipment to the…
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