Signals Museum Henlow closing down sale
Dear Members, The signals museum at Henlow is sadly closing down as the air base is also closing down. Apart from being interesting, their web site has many interesting items…
Dear Members, The signals museum at Henlow is sadly closing down as the air base is also closing down. Apart from being interesting, their web site has many interesting items…
NFD 2023 Report by David Honey M0DHO Setup started at 10:00 Saturday in sunny conditions on a different field from our usual one. Setup went well, and we seemed to…
Thanks Denis G4KWT for creating and sharing.
The RADARC Construction Contest 2022 was great success with so many brilliant entries it was almost impossible to choose a winner. Joint second prize winners where Chris G0JTN with his…
As the weather is looking OK this morning, the RADARC junk sale will be going ahead – see club gmail email for details. 73 Simon M0ZSU
I am sad to say that once again I have to announce the cancellation of the 2021 McMichael Rally.There are many factors involved, but the main one is the delay…
The topic of Crystal Sets came up in a club meeting last night, and Chris Smith G0JTn kindly shared this interesting article he wrote. Chris has built many beautiful sets.…
Andrew M5ARC became SK on the 17th March 2021 following his illness over the past 12 months. Andrew and Alice had released a lot of his radio equipment to the…
A new articles section for amateur radio articles written by members has been added. If you would like to write or submit an article please let us know!
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