Category Archives: EME

Apollo Experience Report – Lunar Module Communications System

A fascinating document from the Apollo programme was recently unearthed on the NASA website by a local amateur, Jim M0YOJ. It goes into loads of detail about the development and use of RF systems on board the various vehicles involved the lunar programme. For some light bedtime reading, the full document is here. Thanks Jim (and John!) for highlighting this.

The development of the lunar module communications system is traced from ‘the initial concept to the operational system used on manned lunar missions. Included are the problems encountered during the development, the corrective actions taken, and recommendations for similar equipment in future programs. The system was designed to provide communications between the lunar module and the Manned Space Flight Network, between the lunar module and the command and service module, and between the lunar module and the extravehicular crewmen. The system provided the equipment necessary for voice, telemetry, and television communications; ranging information; and various communications links.

Links from EME talk

Thanks to Peter Blair, G3TLF;

He has passed us some useful links from his talk last week about EME.

We hope you find these useful and informative!      2m Newsletter 70cm Newsletter Reflector Reflector  WSST   ARRL Handbook EME Section  Good technical info  Great HB Yagis that work      HB9Q logger   N0UK logger  Dishes   Planner, Analysis++

Also if anyone is intending on getting involved in EME we would love to hear about it! You could even write a short article to go on this website.

There is a wealth of knowledge within the club so just come along and ask!